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Thursday, July 22, 2010


Boy, it's been awhile! Silly me, I thought once school ended life would slow down a little. Not hardly! Here's a little taste of what we've been up to the last three months........

Strawberries. I love these plants! I don't have to do anything but water and pick! Heck, I don't even really have to pick, for some reason Chloe thinks picking strawberries (and raspberries) is the most fantastic activity ever. Go figure.

Other yardwork. Mostly watering, fertilizing and mowing. Trust me, it looks fabulous!

Gardening and raspberries. Brian did most of the early work in the garden, but now I'm mostly doing the watering, weeding, Miracle gro-ing and harvesting. What? I never said Miracle Gro, I naturally have a green thumb, I don't need help!

Kai graduated from preschool. I was a little sad because teacher Barbara has been fantastic with the boys. I was also a little sad because kindergarten is only a half day.

Chloe ran in the Wellsville mile. She did really well and beat her time from last year, in spite of the cold and rain.

We went to Bear Lake. I love this picture because that's how I always feel at Bear Lake.

Graeme turned eight. I swear the kid didn't stop moving for a week!

Kai turned five, less than a week later so we had one giganto-dino-stravaganza!

A few days later Graeme and his cousin were baptized. Here's Chloe lookin' lovely at the post-baptism lunch.

Graeme and his cousin in white.

Kai at the lunch. He's eating what I suspect is his third or fourth s'more (yes, I told him only one!)

After the birthday/baptism business, we jumped into baseball season. Or, rather, softball (Chloe),

baseball (Graeme),

(yes, he's eating his glove)

and T-ball (Kai).

This is me coaching and Kai running to base.

This is Brian coaching. Yes, for almost seven weeks we had six games a week (Mon - Thurs) with us coaching two of them. What's that you say? Are we crazy? Did we lose our minds? Yes, yes we are and yes, yes we did.

Of course we can't forget the 4th of July.

Graeme is the one in the red hat. He got to ride on this float in his brand new cub scout shirt in the Hyrum parade. He had a fantastic time.........

....and so did the rest of us! We also got to light off fireworks in front of our house and then watch the city fireworks from our back porch.

Then there's the zoo. The kids still love this silly merry-go-round. Obviously.

This picture cracked me up because that random kid behind Kai has the exact same expression on his face!

Graeme, Graeme, the muscle man.

Mmmm, we apparently looked very tasty.

And finally, more Bear Lake. (Yes, we have gone several times. In fact, the last time we went, we visited Minitonka cave for the first time which was really cool!)

So there it is. Of course I left out sewing and Market and picking cherries and housework and friends and running through sprinklers and groceries and Brian has been to work on and off and we're going to Cedar City in a few weeks and, and......
I wonder if we'll all survive until school starts again so we can get a little rest?


Pat said...

I know you have been super busy but this is such a happy time for your family. You are all making such great memories. Thanks for the pictures and comments, I loved seeing and hearing.

Love ya,

Rebecca said...

I'll bet that post took you FOREVER!!! Good job Mom!