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Friday, August 29, 2008


It's the most wonderful time of the year...............
School started! (mostly) Kai starts preschool on Tuesday but the other two have been in school for just over a week now. I foolishly assumed that once they were in school my life would quiet down a little bit. Hah! Now I just have to squish everything in before picking up the kids at 3:20. Sigh. Hopefully it will snow early this year and then I won't have to worry about the yard anymore.
I'm going to the Gardener's Market tomorrow, wish me luck! As per Sis 2's request, I will attempt to take pictures of everything before I sell. I actually invented my very own crocheted edge! Isn't that cool?
More tomorrow (hopefully)


sues2u2 said...

We loved looking @ the new photos of your kids. They look so cute. What's w/ the "boyz 'n da hood" look on the third (or second depending on how ya look @ it) photo? Didn't know you guys lived in "da hood".

Anderson said...

Are Graeme and Chloe really the same height as it looks in the picture? I can't believe how they have grown-so cute!

It's fun seeing your blog-trying to get one started but we'll see how that goes!


Pat said...

Congrats on the Farmer's Market. Your talents just are so amazing to me. I realize you don't see them but you really are talented! Now that is your Mom telling you and I don't lie!

Love ya,