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Friday, March 21, 2008

Corn Dogs and Squeaky Cheese

On the way back from the cheese factory today as Kai began kicking my seat and demanding his third giant piece of squeaky cheese I started thinking about comfort food. I think it's safe to say that anything cheesy counts as my comfort food. I remember when I was little occasionally making the hour-long trip to the cheese factory to buy the rare extra mild cheddar and squeaky cheese. I think we bought ice cream, too, but the cheese was the most important thing. I used to love watching the giant stirring machines through the big window in the store. I wonder what foods my children will consider comfort foods? With Kai it will probably be corn dogs and squeaky cheese.

1 comment:

sues2u2 said...

I hope that he ate some for me! I think that you are right. Anything cheesy or chocolate for me is "comfort food".