Back before the Christmas break, Chloe's math class was studying ratios so her teacher gave them an assignment to take a small object and make it big (using correct math, of course). Chloe chose to do a Laffy Taffy bar and has been working on it ever since. It was supposed to be due right after the break, but her teacher changed the due date to last Thursday and then changed it again so it's due tomorrow. Chloe's project is finally done and she worked really hard on it. If she doesn't get an A I'm going to have words with her teacher!
Here's Chloe with the original Laffy Taffy:
And here's Chloe's project:
Here are the two together:
Pretty impressive, eh?
Very, very impressive. I think she deserves an "A" too!
Wow that looks amazing, she should get a good grade on it!
Wow, I am impressed. That looks so great. Please give her a big hug from Grandma will you? She has done such a neat job!!!!! I am so proud of all of your kids.
Love you all,
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