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Friday, November 19, 2010

Weight Watchers - week 3

I went to my third Weight Watchers weigh-in/meeting this morning.  I was really nervous to go because this last week was difficult and I was pretty sure I'd gained weight.  (Brian was in St. Louis Mon-Wed and it was that time of the month for me.)  The bad news is I gained, the good news is it was only .2 of a pound which I'm ultimately okay with.  The nice thing is, the workers at Weight Watchers are not at all judgemental and I got some great suggestions for how to survive Thanksgiving without feeling like a big loser.  I even have a goal to lose a pound or two.  Keep your fingers crossed!


Pat said...

Good for you! You are doing so good and to think you are sticking with it even though you get discouraged. That says a lot!

sues2u2 said...

Fingers crossed. You can do this! I know that you'll make it through Thanksgiving like a champ!!