Have you ever heard that old saying: "you can't choose your family"? Well, I disagree. I think you can choose your family. Or at least I can.
I discovered recently that a person I've considered part of my family for the last 12 years doesn't consider me part of hers. I have to admit, that made me feel pretty bad. But I've come to realize that while I have no control over how she thinks or feels, I do have control over how I think and feel. So to her I say: I choose you. Whether you want me or not, I choose you.
To my husband and children I say: I choose you. To my parents and sisters, their husbands and children, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and spouses and children I say: I choose you.
To my in-laws; Brian's parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, spouses, children, Maree and her children and grandchildren I say: I choose you.
To my friends and neighbors; I need you to understand that "friend" and "neighbor" are family words to me. They are the same as "sister" and "cousin". So to you I say: I choose you.
I feel that this world is too difficult of a place for me to navigate alone or with only a few "family" members to support me. So if you are reading this, to you I say: I choose you. Whether you want me or not, welcome to the family!
A Note to my Pal, Bryce Kramer
8 years ago